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What is difference between loops?
do ... while loop and while loop are almost same, only difference is in their framework. Is there anymore diffference?
9 Respuestas
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While loop is an entry control loop
It is used when no of iterations are not known
But loop has to continue until certain condition is satisfied
Do while loop is an exit control loop
This loop executes statements atleast once with independence of condition check
This is used to create menu driven programming
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Do while run atleast one time even if condition is false.
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Read this reference . Geeks for geeks is amazing.
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It is all the same
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The While loop is
while (cond) {
While the Do...while loop is
do {
} while (cond)
But does the same thing
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Is that the only difference?
Nevertheless, thanks for your help!
Harsh Gaur
+ 3
This meme can also demonstrate while vs do-while 😆
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difference between loop is syntax, defination, structure,
+ 1
Yes bro what they said absolutely correct . Nice