- 3
I don't understand it what is this **
14 Respuestas
+ 2
In which language you are taking about?
*only use most relavent tags.. Like language, description term...
+ 2
I also cannot see his learning activities. It's a Sololearn bug. It happens many times.
+ 2
* is use for sign of multiplication
Exmp- 2*3=6
But when we use ** in codeing specialy in phthon it mens power
+ 2
Exponentiation (bn) is the mathematical operation that multiples a number (b) a certain number of times (n) with itself. There are three ways to program that behaviour in Python. The power operator ( ** ) raises the left value to the power of the second value. For example: 2 ** 3 = 2 * 2 * 2 /2 **3/
I don't understand your question. which programming language? can you show a code with it?
Krishni he doesn't specify the language, it could be anything!
Eyad Mohammed the answer to your question depends on the programming language and the context of how it is used. It could be:
** exponentiation
** declaration of double pointer
** double de-referenced pointer
** parameter conversion into dictionary
** dictionary argument conversion to params
** benign comment decoration
** syntax error
Please be specific about which language you are thinking of and the context where you saw ** that prompted your question.
Krishni I can't see what he is learning. my account is buggy.
Specify the given language...
As per my knowledge I know that the this keyword is basically used for refer the current object, as well by using the this keyword we can Differentiate which one is an instance variable most of the time when we are making constructor it is very helpful.
For powers