+ 30
Quizz time III 100
This one about digits. we have nine digit : 1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9 arrange them to become addition of integer and fraction that always result 100. ex: 3 + (69258/714) = 100 82 + (3546/197) = 100 there are more like the example. Can you find the rest (more than eight i guess) ? You are free to use any tool.
21 Respuestas
+ 19
Used Java. Here are all the possibilities.
3 + 69258 / 714
81 + 5643 / 297
81 + 7524 / 396
82 + 3546 / 197
91 + 5742 / 638
91 + 5823 / 647
91 + 7524 / 836
94 + 1578 / 263
96 + 1428 / 357
96 + 1752 / 438
96 + 2148 / 537
Thank you @Agus. Great Puzzle!
+ 20
@Agus Mei wait, erm... couple hours and I`ll give you all of them...
+ 19
Tried to make count not only for / but for +, - and *.
But stopped on variant with / only.
+Writes all answers to txt file.
+ 14
@Sweet Emotion
You are really fast, but i make this time a little bit hard. 😁
it should always be x+(y/z).
+ 12
@Sweet Emotion
it took me a month to found 5
and 2 more week to found the other 3
i believe there is one more that i miss.
so totally there are 10 or 11 arrengement.
there are 2 digit integer in the front like this:
94 + (1578/263) = 100
+ 11
@Nicolay Sir
1. it should always be (x+y/z)
2. it is division
i am happy to have you here.😄😄😄
+ 10
Got 4
1+2+3+5+4*6-7+8*9 = 100
(2+5+7+3*6-4+8*9)/1 =100
1+2+3-4+5+6+78+9 =100
Edit: Oh wait. I spent 30 mins getting the wrong solutions? Damnit >_<
+ 10
@Illusive Man
nice to have you here.
+ 10
@Krishna Sir
you are great !
+ 9
1. should it always be ( x + y / z ) or could be ( a / b + d / c ) or ( a + b + c / d ) ?
2. is / floor division or division ?
+ 9
@Sweet Emotion
Take your time.
+ 8
@Agus. I'll try again after dinner haha :)
+ 8
Woah man. The permutations are endless on this one. This one is not exactly x+(y/z) but it's the closest I could manage :
+ 7
@Agus Thanks for the hint. I'll try writing up a code for it.
+ 7
i'm on it too! 😎
+ 7
I have done it. Will post as soon as I get it onto mobile. Cheers.
All answers have a slight tolerance of being from 99 to 101unfortunately because of int datatype.
A few examples are:
93 6215 784
78 6513 294
87 6923 514
+ 7
@krishna Could you post your code here please. I've been trying in C++ for some time. Got an answer that isnt perfect. Would love to see how you did it
+ 7
This isnt perfect. It's close. I'll work on it. Anyway, for now, here it is
+ 7
Here is the code. It won't completely run in code playground though.
+ 7
Thanks. I would appreciate it a lot if you could look into where I went wrong. I was trying to replace int x with double x and 100 with 100.000 but it just gives me the same result. I cant seem to find the reason I'm not getting it. Maybe it's trivial but I'm certainly gonna lose sleep over it lol.