+ 4
Why is SoloLearn not working? [SOLVED]
Hey guys, I'm having a issue, ny SoloLearn app doesn't load for all most 1-2 mins, then it opens. But, it doesn't open any profiles, like if I click on BroFar's or any profile it doesn't open, it loads for 1 min then it shows: Oops, something went wrong. We could not complete the request. David Ashton Morpheus bobbie Ahri Fox Kuba Siekierzyński BroFar
25 Respuestas
+ 7
Thank you for the reports! The issue should be resolved now. Please don’t hesitate to email info@sololearn.com if you have any further trouble.
+ 8
It's working now.
+ 3
mine still isn't working, via web or app.
+ 3
MinhAj RahmAn SoloLearn is working fine now.
+ 3
Amir Rajabi ask it as a new question in discuss tab so that all can see it.
+ 2
the site is work again now
+ 2
I also couldn't login for a while, but now everything works as normal.
Thank you SoloLearn 😊 for the quick working.
Edit: But, we still can't view our or someone else's profile.
Edit: All is working 👍
+ 2
I am suggesting you to reinstall the app🖤
+ 2
Pooja Kasukurthi
It all happened a year ago 😅
Is it happening with you now as well?
+ 1
The site has stopped working again!
+ 1
wokring for me now!!! thanks SoloLearn!
+ 1
Oh yeah!
SoloLearn is working again!
Thanks 😊
+ 1
Bunny Sir, it was my responsibility to report this 😊
+ 1
my sololern's cpp page dont work and i cant test my coad
pls help me
+ 1
My code coach is not completed even though I'm providing a correct code
Oh no, not again!
Someone just downvoted this post 😭
Plat mods 😶😐
Why are people downvoting?
I've got two down votes!
Clear data and log in again
Thrilesh Naidu Please share your code and tell me which code coach did you try to complete 😇😊
How to fix the problem