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How do i put lists inside a class?
Like this? class Lists : Ownerlist = [] Petlist = [] Temp = [] Op = [] #is this also correct: class Pet : Ownerlist = [] Petlist = [] Temp = [] Op = [] def __init__(self, name, age, gender) self.name = name self.age = age self.gender = gender #Or class Pet: def __init__(self, name, age, gender) self.name = name self.age = age self.gender = gender self.Ownerlist = [] self.Petlist = [] self.Temp = [] self.Op = []
8 Respuestas
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Both ways are valid.
If you want it as class variable use Lists class data way,
If want those as instance data, then use 3rd way.
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print(Lists.Ownerlist) # class variable has same values for every instance, while instance variable has its own copies of values separatly, for each object.
print(Pet.Ownerlist) #class variable acces through class name
print(Pet1("a",5,"m").Ownerlist) #instance way access.. , through object ..
#if you know static data in other languages, then its almost same. (but not completely..)
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Jayakrishna🇮🇳 Whats the difference?
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Why not have it as a function
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Put 3 parameter in it or 4
Return list
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Class List(Pet):
def __init__(self, list_owner, list_pet):
self.list_owner = list_owner
self.list_pet = list_pet
def list_object(self):
self.list_owner = [self.Ownerlist , ]
self.list_pet = [self.Petlist , ]
return self.list_owner, self.list_pet
Something like this
Ion Kare
class List:
def listing():
Like this?