+ 1
Need help
there are two arrays. one array, for example, with dimensions 7.1, 7.56, 7.34, 7.23, 8.89, 9.1. the second array consists of numbers from 7 to 11, with a step of 0.01. it is necessary that in the second array, with a step of 0.16, a unit is displayed if the number is contained in the interval 7 to 7.16, if it is not contained, 0 is displayed For example: [7, 7.16] 1 [7.17, 7.33] 0 Dunno how to use cycles right in this case
5 Respuestas
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+ 1
static double[] xtao(int t1; int t2; double[] tk)
double[] mas = new double mas[1000];
int count = 0;
for (double i = (double) t1; i <= (double)t2; i+= 0.01)
mas[count] = i;
for (int n = 0; n < mas.Length; n++)
for(double j = (double) t1; j <= (double)t2; j+= 0.16)
if(mas.Contains(tk[n])) {mas[n] = 1;} else { mas[n] = 0;}
i know that it's not right and it's wrong to write that way but it was my last try from today. Have no idea what to do here anymore
And the input values?
Random numbers
t1 = 7, t2 = 11
double[] tk between 7 and 11
Random numbers in in the interval 7 and 11