+ 1
Can you please tell me what is wrong with this code
It should print the first word of every name in the list and length of that name but it only returns half of the list( the file is complete and only been reading) for n in file: list = file.readline() first_word = list.split()[0] length = len(list) print(first_word,length) Thanks 👍
5 Respuestas
+ 1
'for n in file' already gets file lines - no need for an additional 'file.readline'. Those are probably disputing file lines, leaving half for each one.
+ 2
Try this:
for line in file.readlines():
first_word = line.split()[0]
+ 2
file = open('/usercode/files/books.txt')
list = file.readlines()
for n in list:
first_line = list[0]
+ 2
#Book titles:
with open('/home/files/books.txt') as f:
x = f.readlines()
for i in x:
l = len(i[1:])
if l == 17:
l = 18
s = i[0]
Thank you all👍