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Color Gradients
[SOLVED] How do u make a color have a graident? not a background color. im trying to add an i class and color it with a gradient but it wont work
5 Respuestas
+ 1
use css below:
background-image: linear-gradient(orange,yellow);
-webkit-background-clip: text;
-webkit-text-fill-color: transparent;
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background-image: conic-gradient(lime, darkgreen,lime);
For more information please see here:
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Your Mom
Review CSS tutorial 56.1, "Linear Gradients"
I think you may find some tricks in there
+ 1
ye i know what a gradient is and a linear gradient i was just wondering how to apply it onto color and not background. problem is solved though
Adding an I class.... Hmmm
It means you want to add an icon
If you're adding a web icon... The icon style will be from the web not yours... Unless you copy the binaries... And set it's background color that's if you didn't pick a filled icon
Or use an svg or png unfilled icon then style it's background with linear gradients.... Otherwise create and svg in the html using SVG tag