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CODING CHALLENGES #1 !! Calculator with one input
Thank you @Agus Mei for this great idea! What if we do coding challenges like @Agus is making his/her quizzes? Allright! My first challenge is: A calculator that takes needs one input like 2 * 2... Then the computer should assign the first number to a variable, second one to the operator and third one as a number... NO GOOGLE OR STACKOVERFLOW!! I've done mine in Python!! https://code.sololearn.com/cZnJoi6o1q5Z/?ref=app
28 Respuestas
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Challenge complete in Java
+ 22
give me 10 min (5 to launch pc)
+ 21
Sorry for such a delay, had to make "emergency computer cleaning" (dust on coolers u know)
Made completely from scratch with basic stuff
+ 20
@Leandro try to do it yourself. If there'll be errors post question and people will help u. If somebody else does that for you it gives you nothing in term of experience.
+ 19
@Leandro tasks 1-4, 6-7, 9 "for" loop
task 5 "for" loop + array
tasks 8, 10 if + "for" loop
+ 12
I have quite the something here, it would just require tweaking to get user input into appropriate arrays. Will submit if time permits.
+ 12
@MrCoder This is what I am planning to do... The next one is coming soon :)
+ 12
#uh guys...
#you literally only need one line to do this in python
+ 10
You need to insert it here after you finish!
+ 10
@Sahaj Yes, you can put more operators.
You will have to think what if the user inputs something like 9*7, without spaces in between
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@Hatsy But you will have to start from scratch
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@Mr Coder... It has to be error-free. Operations without whitespaces won't work...
@Wen Qin It had to be done from scratch
@Heng Congratulations mate, you won!!
+ 10
@Wen The challenge is over, as you can see we already have a winner... I am not going to post the solution until we get the best answer.
+ 9
Mine was already done loooooooong time ago
+ 7
Yo @Gami Check mine out B), Any rewards?
Challenge Complete
+ 6
Done, I had to redo RegEx course for this 😂
+ 5
@gami whats the point of starting it from scratch if you already did :V I am most likely going to copy and paste from C# ro C++ and modify a bit only.
+ 5
@Gami Can you do more of these? Maybe make this a series everyday it practices me well :D
+ 5
Don't forget to check mine
+ 4
will it be just an operand operator operand format or there could be more operators as well ?