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I wrote a script grep -w $1 -r $2|cut -d , -f 1,3|cut -d : -f 2 > $1.txt and want to understand what does cut -d : -f 2 do?
Script is [grep -w $1 -r $2|cut -d , -f 1,3|cut -d : -f 2 > $1.txt] I know what the grep part and what cut -d , -f 1,3 does. I don't understand the : in the second cut argument though? The file for example consists of a date,species,number. 2012-11-05,deer,5 2012-11-05,rabbit,22 2012-11-05,raccoon,7 2012-11-06,rabbit,19 2012-11-06,deer,2 2012-11-06,fox,4 2012-11-07,rabbit,16 2012-11-07,bear,1 Run script Bash Script.sh rabbit . Grep gets all the rabbits Cut the date and number field What does the last cut do?
4 Respuestas
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Hi Eric 👋
cut is like his name it cuts or print the selected part of an input (file or piped data..) to the std output, and the '-d' flag is the delimiter and -f is the fields:
like if the input is something like the following :
and you do execute the following command :
$ cut -d ';' -f 1,5 input.txt
the output will look like this:
like you told your bash [the delimiter is ';' , give me the first and fifth fields from the input file]
you can add '-s' flag to do not print lines not containing delimiters
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the character or string after the '-d' flag is the delimiter, first here the delimiter is ',' and then ':' , okay I'll explain this line:
first its grep/select only those lines containing matches that form '$1' word which is the first argument gived to your script, -r means recursively without following symbolic links. and the result will be piped to the next command and as I said before, its select these specific fields according to that specific delimiter etc.. and last write it down to the file $1.txt ..
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Amine Laaboudi yo my bad I was having a brain fart. I was also just to focused on that one file but it recursively searches the directory as you said and it looks through all files.
Hi Amine Laaboudi thanks for the explanation I get that. Sorry I forgot to add the script in my question but it's in my description. Here it is though
grep -w $1 -r $2|cut -d , -f 1,3|cut -d : -f 2 > $1.txt
I also place an example file. So in the file there is no : so what does cut -d : -f 2 do in my script above?