I want a quick learn JS and React but...
But when I do sololearn loops and send it to my full stack friend he says no one uses while now, for loops like sololearn learn but use [...Array(10).keys()].forEach(element = > etc... and now i am confused, learning on this site is a good idea for frontend or not.
5 Respuestas
+ 6
They are lessons from the beginning. Think of anything that you've learnt from the beginning. Is what you learnt then exactly the same as what you do now?
Take writing/talking/reading. You learn a sentence like "The cat sits on the mat.". You never write/say/read it again when you can do those things properly.
+ 3
This is just the beginning. You will learn the basics for now.
As you continue learning you will get better and learn more things.
It is a really really bad idea to learn form only a single source. SoloLearn is not the best. Lessons here barely scatch the surface. You should also use freecodecamp.com , https://www.w3schools.com/ and https://www.theodinproject.com/ .
Even that is not all, there are YouTube channels and other countless sites.
Never relay on one source when it comes to self-learning.
Don't compare yourself to the people who are already in this field and are earning. You are just starting, and it is important to know how things work on basic level. Instead, I would prefer you ask your friend to teach you and help you, ask for the resources he uses. BEST OF LUCK.
+ 3
Here, have this. It is a good learing source.
+ 2
Harman Maan thanks man i have one website too https://learnjavascript.online/
+ 1
Radosław Krzysiu Krzyżagórski
If you are a beginner, then SoloLearn can be a great starting point to learn programming. SoloLearn offers a variety of courses in different programming languages, and their content is designed to be accessible to beginners.
However, it's important to note that while SoloLearn can provide you with a solid foundation of programming knowledge, it's not enough to make you a "good" developer. To become a skilled developer, you'll need to practice coding regularly, work on real-world projects, and continue learning and improving your skills. This requires dedication and effort on your part.
In summary, SoloLearn can be a useful tool to start your journey as a developer, but it should be used as a starting point rather than the only resource for your learning.