Has anyone here worked on an online transaction payment web application ?
An online web application where by users make transactions and payments online for specific services e.g using VISA or any other modes of payment.
4 Respuestas
+ 5
Here are some previous posts and answers for you to read through.
Then there's this from Mozilla https://developer.mozilla.org/en-US/docs/Web/API/Payment_Request_API/Concepts
FreeCodeCamp https://www.freecodecamp.org/news/integrate-paypal-into-html-css-js-product-pages/
+ 3
I've searched online in the past and chosen whichever option has suited the website best.
Saves a lot of coding. Normally, it has most/all issues tested and corrected. There are other people available to help you should something go wrong.
+ 1
Have a look at this page, for creating a payment page in HTML, CSS and JavaScript.
Please note: You need to connect a database, in order to save the order somewhere save.
Will you please share or recommend the solutions to your past research e.g Frameworks, code snippets, examples or references. In order to save a lot time from coding and being assured that these technology tools are fully tested and functional. Thank you