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How to know number after point in c#
I need to check are there floats that ends with .0 and convert them to integers. How can I do that? For example if a = 2.0, i need to find that float and turn it to integer - a = 2?
7 Respuestas
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You should share your attempt if you would like help debugging your code.
Because you have not here is a hint:
I would probably start by rounding the float and compare the original float with it's rounded counterpart to test if they are the same. This would mean the float number ends in '.0' and should be converted to an integer.
+ 6
You could explicitly convert one type of number to another, you use a cast. That's the parentheses before the number with the type of the number that you want to convert it to.
Note that the fractional part of the floating-point number will be dropped.
float a = 2.3f;
int b = (int)a; // 2
+ 4
1. First convert the double to integer
2. Check if the value is the same as previous or no
If it is: use the converted version.
If it isn't: use the original version.
+ 4
too bad Sololearn's .net version is ancient.
in .net 7 and 8
there is an IsInteger method
+ 3
if (a == ((int) a)) is True, then the float or double is equal to the same number cast to integer, so in this case it is safe to convert.
+ 2
In C#, you can check if a float ends with ".0" and convert it to an integer using a simple condition. Here's an example:
using System;
class Program
static void Main()
float a = 2.0f;
// Check if the float ends with ".0"
if (a % 1 == 0)
// Convert float to integer
int intValue = (int)a;
// Output the result
Console.WriteLine(quot;Original float: {a}");
Console.WriteLine(quot;Converted integer: {intValue}");
Console.WriteLine("Float does not end with '.0'");
In this example, the condition `a % 1 == 0` checks if the float `a` has no fractional part, which is indicative of ending with ".0". If the condition is true, it means `a` is effectively an integer, and you can safely cast it to an `int` using `(int)a`.
+ 1
Ok thanks, I will try it