+ 2
Q about .count() python
Hello we have simple code for counting symbols inside string. s = input() count = s.count(f) print(count) Q. Why i cant put this inside print(). Like. s = input() print(s.count(f)) Why second code end with error? We can make math inside print why can't use methods?
7 Respuestas
+ 4
Q about what "f" is.
i did not get an error. link your code.
+ 4
You need to either define f in a variable, or if you are looking for the letter f in your string it must be enclosed in quotes:
+ 4
Alexandr Meskin ,
what did you mean by saying `symbols` to count? >>> is it punctuation like `!"#$%&'()*+,-./:;<=>?@[\]^_`{|}~` ?
in this case we can count anything except *alphanumericals* and *spaces*, because this is more efficient than counting for each of the symbols
using a for loop:
for char in text:text = 'a34Z& eK9$.;5 xx' # has 4 symbols
counter = 0
for char in text:
if not (char.isalnum() or char.isspace()):
counter += 1
+ 3
where did the “f” come from?
+ 2
We can do whatever we want inside the print function. Its not about it.
+ 1
As mang have pointed out here, what do you exactly refer “f” to? Liek what is the context? Provide full code.