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What's doctype htMl
Am JST starting html and i wanna know More
2 Respuestas
+ 4
DOCTYPE, or document type declaration, is a line of code that tells a web browser or email client what version of HTML or markup language a document is written in:
Purpose: The DOCTYPE declaration ensures that the web page is parsed correctly by different browsers. Without a DOCTYPE declaration, the email client may not render the page properly, resulting in an incorrect rendering.
Location: The DOCTYPE declaration appears as the first line of code in an HTML file.
Example: An example of a DOCTYPE declaration is <!DOCTYPE HTML PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD HTML 4.01 Transitional//EN" "http://www.w3.org/TR/html4/loose.dtd">. This instructs the browser to expect a document written in HTML 4.01 Transitional.
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Light ,
the DOCTYPE html is declaration where you basically tell a Web browser the version of html you are using. You can see that HTML5 have DOCTYPE as <!DOCTYPE html>