+ 3
why autoplay is not playing the audio and video file ?
i am doing it in sololearner.
5 Respuestas
+ 7
It depends on the device you use. Some device browsers don't allow media to be autoplayed (For example Android browsers)
+ 2
as James said, some browsers do not allow it. it can actually be annoying unless it's a background video that is silent. if your video has sound, make sure you have controls in your video tag or you will drive users away from your site. think about those adds that pop up and start playing... the user just wants to to kill it! kill it with fire!... lol... do you have autoplay in your video tag? <video controls autoplay> <source src="video.wav" type="video/wav"> you can't watch this in your browser. </video>
+ 1
some.times its the syntax
S9me browsers doesn't supported
i am asking about the solo learn application