+ 1

How do challenges work?

The reason I am posting this is two-fold: 1. I have just completed the HTML section of the HTML Fundamentals and am starting to learn HTML5, yet I haven't progressed that far in. I was challenged to HTML so I was expecting that, not HTML5. 2. I haven't "learned" anything of what I was challenged with! There was literally ONE (1) question regarding HTML, and everything else was HTML5 stuff that I haven't scratched the surface of yet. It made it impossible to fairly compete with whomever challenged me, which also infuriates me to no end because I hate unfair competition. So my question in regards to that is: How do I setup my profile so others can only challenge me to something I have completed? Or if that isn't possible, how can I block challenges altogether so that I am not giving free experience to other people? (Not that it matters much, but it infuriates me as I said earlier to give others an advantage over something unfairly.) I appreciate the answers everyone, and I hope this doesn't come off wrong. I am just a wee bit upset right as I am about to go to bed because what I am learning I was challenged to and I didn't know anything! It makes me feel terrible, like I don't even belong and should just quit and do something else with my life instead of trying to learn to code. I'm sure you understand...

5th May 2017, 4:04 AM
Joshua Kaylor
Joshua Kaylor - avatar
10 Respuestas
+ 6
you mixed width and height, but that's a minor error.
5th May 2017, 6:17 PM
Mario L.
Mario L. - avatar
+ 5
html5 is the latest version of html, almost every tag of html4 is included, some are deprecated, but browsers still support them. when talking about html nowadays, you mean html5. the chapter about it in the course is just to teach the new tags and attributes. the challenges in html contain questions about html(5) and css. I don't see you mourn about the latter, as this is another course. also the users create the questions in quiz factory. if you didn't complete the course yet, you're not ready for challenges. and think about users with high levels. questions about html4 alone would be way too easy for them. challenges would end in draws 5:5 all the time. that would be boring as hell. so, get back to the course, train your skills, practice in code playground, read codes from others and prepare yourself for the challenges. 😉
5th May 2017, 6:08 AM
Mario L.
Mario L. - avatar
+ 4
img does not require an end tag. that's because you can't encapsulate something with an image.
5th May 2017, 12:25 PM
Mario L.
Mario L. - avatar
+ 2
<img src="tree.jpg" width="200px" height="500px"> </img> I just woke up so pardon me if I messed that one in particular up.
5th May 2017, 11:05 AM
Joshua Kaylor
Joshua Kaylor - avatar
+ 1
<!-- first paragraph -->
5th May 2017, 5:02 AM
Joshua Kaylor
Joshua Kaylor - avatar
+ 1
Aside from closing the image (lol,) that was correct? Thank you for the advice, btw. :)
5th May 2017, 6:02 PM
Joshua Kaylor
Joshua Kaylor - avatar
Someone else just challenged me and, just as before, I didn't know anything that was going on. (Thankfully neither did the person challenging me lol. I still lost however and lost experience.) HTML fundamentals keeps giving me a bunch of crap from HTML5 - specifically the stuff I haven't learned. I have two issues with this: Issue #1: HTML5 ISN'T HTML FUNDAMENTALS!!!!! HTML is! ffs, get it right! <!-- When I say HTML5 isn't fundamentals, I mean HTML5 only came into existence within the past few years if I'm not mistaken. I learned basic HTML in highschool, which I was taught is the fundamentals. Therefore HTML5 is not a "fundamental" based on that. --> Issue #2: I still haven't learned HTML5 yet! Why are most the questions I received all from HTML5 and not from HTML?
5th May 2017, 4:26 AM
Joshua Kaylor
Joshua Kaylor - avatar
fill in the blanks to make the text<"first paragraph"a comment
5th May 2017, 5:00 AM
Abdul Majeed Yousufzai
Abdul Majeed Yousufzai - avatar
file in the blank to display the image,<"tree.jpg,"at a200px height a 500px width
5th May 2017, 5:13 AM
Abdul Majeed Yousufzai
Abdul Majeed Yousufzai - avatar
sorry, I've been filling in at my works shipping department since yesterday and everything is length width height... plus that's how they taught me growing up in school! these habits man... lol
5th May 2017, 6:25 PM
Joshua Kaylor
Joshua Kaylor - avatar