+ 7
How long have you been programming? Do you really think you should have started a long time ago?
I have been programming for 5 months now. The more I write programs the more I feel that I should have started programming earlier.
12 Respuestas
+ 13
a while. not long. i kept starting and stopping when I was younger. I was too keen and always tried too much, too soon and would end up getting frustrated and give up. Now I have developed more patience I am doing much better.
+ 12
Same thoughts, although starting earlier may not always guarantee better progress.
+ 6
@aloisia (pardon me if I am wrong)
In Bangladesh, we have computer class in school. But they don't teach us programming. Just some fundamentals and theory. I wish if we had programming class at school! That wound be great.
+ 6
@Ruben I had some kind of computer class and 5th/6th grade, but I know that in some countries they do have programming in their computer classes, I would've loved that too
+ 5
As a programmer, everyone should have that quality. The first requirement of problem solving is "Patience". All the best.
+ 5
i started programming after i meet a nice person. He was patient and cheerful. his name is Agus Mei.
Weird, he has the same name with @Agus Mei who left.
+ 5
I wish I could've started earlier, but I never really thought about it, I decided in my graduation year that I wanted to study CS, I always wanted to learn more about computers, but I never really did it, I wish we had a Computer Science classes back in school
+ 5
I started pretty early (when I was 8).
And no, I'm not 8 anymore. 🤗
+ 2
That's right. But I could have more time to practice.
+ 2
I've been on and off HTML/CSS since I was 18-ish. I've only recently found use for C++ since I started stressing out less about life situations (rent, bills, family death, etc). My situation is a lot better now.
I don't have any regrets on studying programming early on. For me, right now is a great time to start.
+ 1
I have read about that yesterday :(
+ 1
How old are you then?