What will the code below output to the console and why? -> Know = Like
var myObject = { foo: "bar", func: function() { var self = this; console.log("outer func: this.foo = " + this.foo); console.log("outer func: self.foo = " + self.foo); (function() { console.log("inner func: this.foo = " + this.foo); console.log("inner func: self.foo = " + self.foo); }()); } }; myObject.func();
1 Respuesta
it will output:
outer func: this.foo=bar
outer func: this.self=bar
inner func:this.foo=undefined
inner func:self.foo=bar
I think it's not a problem to understand what happens in "outer" part, but it can be hard to get t "inner" one.
in the inner function "this" is "window", so this.foo is undefined, like window.foo
but, "self" keeps the reference to the "myObject", so you can get it's "foo", like "myObject.foo"