+ 6
What does Sololearn focus on Javascript?
On Sololearn what is the focus for Javascript like it seems it learns to make a website or what?
13 Respuestas
+ 15
Yeah, generally as @Yaroslav said, at the end of the course you can create simple (very simple) interactive webpage... but here you learn only basics of JS.
If you want to deepen it, first of all, practice... because you can learn theories, but after 2 weeks
you will forget all, without practice.
I'm lazy, so i don't want to link here the resources, but internet is full of good resources... if you want, there is a playlist that personally i love, you can learn something while you create a game in JS: https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PLh-MBXZEiyMhulEqYE3gn63idSAKG6Sx1
There is my code also, for PDF resources:
Yah, bye.
+ 3
You can make website, apps, server script, desktop programs with Javascript.
But before you can build any software, you got to learn Javascript from Sololearn course to build the foundation.
+ 3
If you're absolutely beginner in building webpage. You have to learn Html, Css and Javascript. At learn learn it fully from Sololearn courses, get all the certificates, don't skip any part of it.
After you have learned all these 3 courses, you can start practice to write codes from code playground.
+ 3
Great.. I am expecting to see you build and show us some programs in code playground later..🙌
+ 2
yes, js helps to make your website more interactive and dynamical
+ 1
it seems Javascript is too simple on sololearn?
+ 1
and you can make windows, mac, mobile apps with js
+ 1
for example: Brackets IDE based on js, plugins in gChrome on js
+ 1
Maz I saw that code I love it thanks so much for it!
+ 1
I only learn html some fully not really though CSS but I am skipping the rest of the language to Javascript it's going good is it a bad idea?
+ 1
yeah ik.
any help with js?
yeah I am still trying to figure out CSS I am lost in CSS or I am just a dumb a$.