+ 3
Please help me :)
Four years ago, I was so passionate about java programming, then I learned it. And I really want to be a skilled person in java programming language, but now i'm interested in other languages ie web programming languages, but unfortunately, i'm not yet fully proficient about java language that I dreamed before, what should I do, learn java first 'till advanced of it, or study it Along with web programming or I can skip java then move to Web programming. And what should I take first, Html css, or php? thx
7 Respuestas
+ 30
😁You have some things to consider!
🚙💨What is the main thing driving you to learn programming in general?
⚫Financial/Career Choice💰
⚫Skill Building🤓
⚫Social/To relate to friends,fam👥
⚫Your #1 reason _______ 💯
🤔Depending on your reason(s) for learning programming, you should ask yourself;
⚫"What are the priorities that I set out to accomplish?"
⚫“Is what I'm doing or have done so far, inline with what I hope to accomplish?”
⚫"What can I do right now to complete my goal(s)?"
🤔💭I hope this is helpful! These are the question I find myself asking when I get side tracked. Which happens more often then I'd like to admit!😌
+ 8
First Html, near next Css wich are essential for build web pages.
Next, you can look at JS for client side scripting and or Php for server side ;)
+ 6
It depends on your interest. You said "now i'm interested in other languages". So you should pause learning java and learn web programming as visph's learning order. Then again when your mind changes and you start liking Android apps, you can continue java and do Android development with it. 😊😊😊
+ 5
I don't think Java is harder than JavaScript...
I rather think than both are differently hard :P
Anyway, due to integration with Html/Css, you'll be probably more quickly productive with JS than with Java ^^
+ 4
I understand your situation , nearly an year ago I set my mind for becoming a programmer but I only knew way too basic HTML . I knew Java was important so I studied it but never found much use as without Graphics it isnt fun to me . Later after discovering Sololearn I studied Java, except for basics in Java never understood anything , but HTML , CSS and JavaScript attracted me without which I believe I would have left the dream of this Career .
The point is GUI is important to begin with , I would suggest you to learn HTML first , then CSS , then JavaScript and additional p5.js (a JavaScript library for canvas projects) .
Don't worry about Java (^^) you find it easier to learn if you already know JavaScript specially the p5.
+ 3
Okok... :) thank you very much... I got it... :D
+ 1
You said you started learning java four years back. Java is so vast that you can keep learning it forever. I think in order to become master in any language you should never leave learning it. Well if you are not interested learning Java anymore it is probably because you need some change. What I think is you can start learning HTML , CSS , JS but keep in touch with Java.