How many of you really got infected from the "Wana crypt0r " ransomeware?
Dozens of countries have been hit with this cyberextortion attack that locks up computers and holds user’s files for ransom. Multiple companies, government agencies, and hospitals have become a target of this attack. Security firm Avast has recorded more than 75,000 detections of WanaCrypt0r 2.0 in 99 countries. After the attack, the ransom being demanded is $300 worth of bitcoins. The ransom message also has instructions on how to pay the ransom, explanation of the attack, and a timer:
3 Respuestas
+ 5
I knew this topic would make it to SL. :>
+ 1
ransomware virus attack only on big industry , companies.....
not on public
+ 1
Well the individuals are also got infected by this. It asks for bitcoins for decryption of the encrypted content