+ 11
Does "Win 50 in a row" mean "Only-Win"?
Draws are not counted?(and even initialize the win) How human can only-win 50 in a row? I respect people who did it.
5 Respuestas
+ 11
It's possible if you are patient enough to challenge <Level 5 Sololearners, score a 5 almost everytime and tolerate 60% or more declines/expires.
+ 9
Draws breaks the count, only win!
I did it, follow these tips if you want to try, @Paola helped many users with her strategy.
+ 8
Just aceept low level player's invitation?
+ 8
@Krishna Teja Yeluripati
Thanks! I'll try it.
+ 1
not all topics in challenges are covered by courses so professional people get a big advantage over beginners.