What is the difference between programming language and scripting language?
8 Respuestas
thank you for your awesome explanation with examples...
please could you tell what are the differences between iterator and generator and advantages of each ?
+ 4
@sriram, 😂😂 enjoying a lot ha?
+ 2
scripting languages are interpreted which means they are executed line by line. You can think that you already have some programs already compiled (i.e ready to be executed) that you call them one by one.
while other languages have to be compiled (i.e not ready to run yet) which means your code is first translatd into low level code that can be run on your machine. somtimes your code is translated into intermediate code then it runs on a virtual machine like java.
+ 1
thanks for your awesome useful reply..
thanks for your awesome explanation..
please could you explain what is the difference between encapsulation and abstraction in oops.
encapsulation means that each object data (i.e state) is stored inside the object so the data is protected because the object is the only one that can operate on the data unless it allows other objects to modify its data. This is the way of hiding your data.
abstraction means your view of the object as a data type that has some operations associated with it regardless of the implementation of the class (i.e. how the class is written)
Thank you very much...
please can you share code regarding this for better understanding if you have any examples.
check this