I've been, for a quite some time now, challenging people in java, but never took a course!
I'm serious, you can check my profile. No even a bit java course (although full python) and I won majority of them. And I should mention I'm challenging only level 3-5 people. Have someone ever done something like this before?
10 Respuestas
+ 1
Did u mean you have never learnt java and still manage to win challenges??
And just did 5:3 score
@Mohamed Fahad
I DIDN'T took java course, I did PYTHON.
have u ever learnt java before???
Yes, I have never even tried to learn it.
If you don't belive me, go to my profile and see what I learnt.
The profile only shows what u have learnt in solo learn. You could have learnt java from other sources too.
Guess you have to belive me on my word. I can do nothing to prove it.
But I have some 1:x score.
thing is that I rely on similarity of python and java
Good but better learn something than rely on similarities to guess your answers.
But it's more interesting and funner this way
- 1
That's because you already know java.
I take challenges in Python having not taken the python course yet.