+ 13
Not a question !
Most of us don't know about entity number. Every Entity Name has a Entity Number. Some common entity name and numbers:-   non-breaking space <. < less than >. > greater than & & ampersand " ". double quotation mark So next time if you see a quiz with entity number don't downvote it. 😊 https://www.sololearn.com/discuss/441258/?ref=app
7 Respuestas
+ 9
Thank you so much 🙋
+ 9
again that was declined due to downvote...so I've delete that. I don't want to resubmit...!!
+ 8
@Ishwarya 😨
+ 5
@Ishwarya It's Ok
+ 5
Informational and insightful!
+ 5
+ 4
Gr8 @Ekansh 🖒