What is the best platform for java to work on net benes or what?

6th Jun 2017, 1:19 PM
esraa ragab
8 Respuestas
+ 2
ya make sure that u have write the correct syntax for System.out.println()
7th Jun 2017, 1:33 AM
Nanda Balakrishnan
+ 1
u can use cmd prompt to execute the java code but u need jdk installed on ur system. u can use notepad to write java code but it won't provide any suggestion to complete the statement. if ur a fresher then u can use NetBeans but eclipse is better.
6th Jun 2017, 3:40 PM
Nanda Balakrishnan
6th Jun 2017, 3:01 PM
esraa ragab
lam loading net benes but i dont know why give error whene write system .out.println even i load jdk
6th Jun 2017, 9:43 PM
esraa ragab
please help me i want to write code actually not therotically study
6th Jun 2017, 9:44 PM
esraa ragab
yes you are right
7th Jun 2017, 12:35 PM
esraa ragab