+ 3
Can i run any C program in sololearn ?
i m trying to code my C program in sololearn but it is showing some errors but when i checked my program it was totally correct.. so is there is any problem with the compilation part of sololearn or it doesn't support C ? i think the later option will not be the case ...!!!! so can anyone tell me where is the problem...!!
31 Respuestas
+ 6
You can even code ASM on SL's C++ playground. Just found that out.
+ 6
@Rohit, assembly language.
+ 6
You can do ARM through Termux (it's pretty easy with the 'ThinkInGeek' page linked in this discussion)
Around this time I posted a CP assembly test with some explanation, but only two instructions. There are more/better examples in code search.
+ 6
Thanks, @Kirk.
+ 5
Like @Limitless said...can you add a link to CodePlayground for the problem code?
+ 5
Yeah Manual...didn't know it worked on GCC too.
+ 4
Note that VS 2017 does not support inline assembly for ARM and x64 (64 bits cpu).
+ 4
Compile what, @Manual
+ 4
I found code to compile a basic assembly hello world output through C.
+ 4
What did you try doing?
Did you use pure assembly in the C++ compiler?
+ 4
That will not work.
Unless there was a header or library to define all the assembly functions, that your code would use.
+ 3
i am trying it in C++ also but there is the same result ....!!!! ERRORS ERRORS everywhere.... @RohitKumar
+ 3
@Karl T.
I got it to compile in VS
I copied the final code from
+ 3
Thank you, for sharing the thread.
+ 3
It did not work on sololearn, when I tried it.
I tried compiling my moded copy on SL, and got errors that I could not solve.
I compiled for me in visual studio.
+ 3
This works with SoloLearn's gcc:
Quote..."GCC does not parse the assembler instructions themselves and does not know what they mean or even whether they are valid assembler input." (it passes through)
Here's GNUC version, just for environment:
+ 2
Tag the code to this post
+ 2
Yes you can, press +Insert under your answer's text box, then "Insert code"
+ 2
Only if you know C++ well enough, to use C libraries.