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How to create a program which gives us the information which the user provides....????
5 Respuestas
what languages would you be most comfortable doing this in?
html js:
look into using firebase DAAS (the coding train, on youtube has a few videos on this)
store the information into the db then retreive it for admin use
html(jsp) java (servlet)
use mySql
create table
use the HttpServletRequest request object to get the info from the form
write an insertIntoDB(stuff) function
then a getStuff ()
there are Many more combinations. what would you like to use? or learn how to use?
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But how to store it to the database and filter them.??? I don't know....
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Thanks for answer
make users
they log in
fill out a form you provide
stores it into a database
make a filter page where you can see information (different queries)
that would be the Most simple I think
hope this helps :p
ok :/ if anythinf else pls ask ÷]