How do a beginner start coding to a point of being a guru? Steps please

From the beginner in coding to an expert takes a lot of dedication and sacrifice, I anticipate to start learning C# language, kindly may I know steps I need to take to the point of being expert in C# and ASP.NET

20th Jun 2017, 6:18 PM
3 Respuestas
+ 4
Read Code Read Code Read Code Read Code Not necessarily in that order. :) This is what I recommend. Read all the way through your book (or whatever you're using) on C#, even if you don't understand what all of it means yet. Once you've read through it, then make some small basic applications to test out what you've read. Don't be afraid to reference your book or other resources, relearn anything you need to relearn, and learn anything that you didn't learn when you read through it the first time. Then get back in there and start coding some more stuff. Find more books, more tutorials, more resources, and learn what you can from them. Download some open source projects that other people created, read their code, try to understand their code, modify their code, and learn whatever you can from their code. If you run into problems, you have places like this website and stackoverflow.com that you can get help from other programmers. If you stay consistent, and don't lose hope when you can't figure something out or don't understand something yet, then you'll become great at the language before you know it. It takes time and practice, just like most things.
20th Jun 2017, 7:07 PM
+ 2
I agree with Netkos Ent. If you keep practicing and challenging yourself to push further, you'll get there! If you get stuck, use your recourses to learn (Internet, books, Sololearn, communities, people, etc) My goal was to challenge myself where I would get stuck, so that I can push my knowledge further. I would do long boring drills to get me going for a longer amount of time. But most of all... you should just enjoy it :)
20th Jun 2017, 9:10 PM
Limitless - avatar
+ 2
@Limitless That's an excellent point; make sure you enjoy what you're doing! :D Trust me, if you don't truly enjoy the art of programming, it'll end up defeating you when you run into those days where you're sitting there trying to figure something out for 12+ hrs straight. lol It's all fun & games when things are just going smooth without a hitch, but most often than not, you'll be spending time trying to figure out why something isn't working as originally intended. The learning process usually filters out the people that aren't fully invested into programming, but as they say, we're not given brick walls in life to keep us out, but to keep out those who don't want it bad enough.
21st Jun 2017, 12:45 PM