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Java sololearn
Im just curious as to why we cant create small animations or small apps on here with java? i see people doing this all the time with stuff like php,js,html,css is there a reason for this?
6 Respuestas
+ 11
Java GUI is not supported by Sololearn code playground as of now.
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waiting for when u can use gui like swing/awt but I'm handicapped withought labtop just have had my android phone... but I've made a sweet Texas Holdem game to
You can still make sum cool stuff with java tho.
like what tho really @ codex? becuase i made a slot machine, tempture converter, and age converter but these arnt very cool just some easy stuff anyone can make. i want to make somthing more complex on here but without sprites its kind of rubbish.
I've made a sick pokemon game w/ AIDE no real graphics but I use emogies & ascii artwork.