+ 6

What do you think about Freecodecamp?

I've just started to learn to code this year and I find this tool really useful (along with Sololearn). My goal is to learn as much as possible and see if it's possible to get a job in this area (Web Development) :D. I know that withou a CS degree it will be quite difficult but I would a least give it a shot. What are your thoughts about FCC?

30th Jun 2017, 2:41 PM
Pedro JG
Pedro JG - avatar
4 Respuestas
+ 11
First off..... TRAITOR!!!! GET HIM SOLOELITES! :D I haven't personally used FCC, so I can't speak on their behalf. However, I'm a big fan of reading any and all possible resources that you can, so you have many ways of viewing the same things and sometimes hearing something explained a different way can make all the difference. Not utilizing the full potential of ALL your resources is just flawed logic. For example, I already know C#, PHP, and SQL, but here I am on SoloLearn reading through the courses anyways. Everyone explains things differently, and give different examples that may or may not make sense to you. More times than not, I'm able to pick up something new or learn more about something I may not have mastered yet. To give you a little bit of faith, I have ZERO degrees. However, I've been working for a corporation in Atlanta for nearly 10 years now doing web development and software engineering. If you're confident and willing to prove yourself, then you can prove yourself and what you're able to do. Your actions, capabilities, state of mind, and experience is far more important than any fancy piece of paper that pretends to represent your ability. Brick walls aren't placed in front of us to keep us out, they're placed in front of us to keep out those who don't want it badly enough.
30th Jun 2017, 2:49 PM
+ 5
Free Code Camp Would Be Good Choice But It's Community Is Worst... If you didn't able to understand something then you can't ask anyone there...
30th Jun 2017, 2:51 PM
+ 5
FCC is quite awesome.. But my advice to you is that you should concentrate your forces at one place, and then advance bit by bit, otherwise the resources out there are so overwhelming. As you said you're into web dev. Finish all the relevants courses on soloLearn first html, css, js and may be python or ruby depending on your choice. Then goto FCC and do the same, and so on. But the most important thing that'll polish your skills is helping others, so remain active participant in communities here on soloLearn and any other similar community, attend hackathons, persistent daily coding, and the last but certainly not the least, you should contribute to open source projects, there's tonnes of it on github.io
1st Jul 2017, 4:55 AM
Aminu - avatar
+ 2
Experience, how logical your code is, and problem solving skills hold more value which employers tend to focus on. Apply even if they "require" a degree. Dont stop at FCC and sololearn, so many online resources and books at the library that have answered so many of my questions and improved how i write code. Keep practicing algorithms. Codingdojo, pluralsight, YouTube, linda, are just a few that i look at on a daily basis. From what i remember. FCC had good JS practice. Happy coding.
1st Jul 2017, 12:03 AM
Wendy - avatar