+ 1
How does the exponentiation really work?
3 Respuestas
thank you very much. very helpful ans Kuban Siekierzynski
+ 12
2**1 == 2
2**2 == 2*2 == 4
2**3 == 2*2*2 == 8
2**4 == 2*2*2*2 == 16
3**1 == 3
3**2 == 3*3 == 9
3**3 == 3*3*3 == 27
3**4 == 3*3*3*3 == 81
One remark:
x**0 == 1
x**1 == x
x**2 == x*x
@Michael: you should mark Kuba's answer as the best, rather than your post thanking him.