for what purpose comment is used

it is said that it is used for to add descriptions,remainders that means in the output screen we can add them?

17th Jun 2016, 8:11 AM
parupudi sai tejaswi
parupudi sai  tejaswi - avatar
8 Respuestas
+ 2
They are "non executable" parts of a code. A programmer writes a code according to his own algorithm which might not be understood by another programmer reading the code. Well written comments which provide information as to what a part of the code is doing will help the reader understand the code.!!!
17th Jun 2016, 10:35 AM
Mohammad Fahad Sayed
Mohammad Fahad Sayed - avatar
+ 1
for to mark, remember something or just. more than anything used to make notes of something important
17th Jun 2016, 8:19 AM
Cristian Ossiel Palomo Jalomo
Cristian Ossiel Palomo Jalomo - avatar
+ 1
Just to make it clear for what purpose certain code is written.
18th Jun 2016, 3:00 PM
Animesh Gupta
Animesh Gupta - avatar
+ 1
for understand the code
5th Feb 2017, 4:25 PM
tarun prasad
tarun prasad - avatar
Just to get clear idea.. Of wat abt that syntax means
17th Jun 2016, 9:42 AM
comment will help the reader to understand the code.
17th Jun 2016, 12:06 PM
tarun prasad
tarun prasad - avatar
comment is used i heading
18th Jun 2016, 2:02 AM
Avishek Pãndêy
Avishek Pãndêy - avatar
explains a particular part of the code for future understanding
11th Nov 2016, 6:02 AM
Raj Paul