If we have two files one of HTML & other of HTML5, how could we be able to find the difference between them?
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The tag <!DOCTYPE HTML> represents an HTML5 document!
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to differentiate between the HTML and HTML 5 files.. there is a tag named <!DOCTYPE HTML> this tag if includes in the file represents that it is a HTML 5 file!
Its still same Document, ONLY that one (HTML) is the real foundation of website designs while it may become obsolete if d One (HTML5) had taken all its elements.
With HTML, u can ONLY Structure ur contents, with HTML5, u can still do some cool layouts and interactions bcos its more becoming programming language than structure only as it comes with new Tags like canvas to do graphics
<!DOCTYPE > Made them differ
Obviously certain element belong to HTML5 which will be missing in ur other file such as <meta> or <canvas> but if they both have the same tags then the only thing that differentiates them is the <!DOCTYPE html> at the beginning !