+ 7
Do I need to learn all the html tags as a developer ?
11 Respuestas
+ 16
Only the HTML5 ones....
+ 7
Or you can use a Html5 Cheat Sheet
😁👍. 🔵💭🔵
+ 7
thank you very much for your guidance
+ 6
No you don't need to learn and remember all html tags in your beging way to become web developer
but take a general view of these tags and try to make some projects with defferent ideas and when you need to do something in your code with specific tags search for this tags and write their function in a paper or whatever you prefer and with time you will find that you remember all tags that your using in your projects.
That is what i am do in my work and it is work for me.
I hope it is work for you and everybody else.
+ 6
I say, we must learn them all but try to remember only the important ones...
+ 5
The more HTML5 tags you know, the better a developer you'll be.
+ 5
You are Welcome at anytime..
+ 3
Depends on reason you are learning html. For self coding, you can use cheatsheets otherwise, better to remember.
+ 3
Despite having many frameworks and content management systems that make it very easy for developers to make great-looking websites, the need for knowing html tags remains important, for, you sometimes need to know what a specific snippet of code means, or when you want to modify the look and feel of your website. Yet, you don't have to memorize all html tags :)
+ 2
You are going to use just some of then in a project but is good to know about everything
+ 2
If We need to learn only HTML 5 ones,Why did we learn the original ones?