When does the x++ command get executed ? if its in a loop, still within the loop or after it is executed ? and how i have to understand !(1&&(1||0)) Thank you people, it would help me alot to understand that.

16th Sep 2016, 11:55 AM
Dennis Wiebler
Dennis Wiebler - avatar
3 Respuestas
look there is difference between ++X &X++ basically in the loop it gets executed as per any normal command i.e. in given sequence. your next questions answer is ..... go from inside to outside while reading bracket..... i.e. (1or0) then (1and given0 and finally the negative
16th Sep 2016, 12:38 PM
Shrinivas Deshpande
Shrinivas Deshpande - avatar
++X : pre increment, X++: post increment, ++X value of X is incremented first and then d equation along d line is performed while in X++ value of X is incremented after end of statement (;).. consider int X=5; Cout <<X++; Cout<<++X; Out put: 5 7 Explanation : 5 because it is post increment so after 2 nd statement value of x=6 and output 7 because pre increment is used and value incremented before completion of 3 rd statement. Nw ur next Que u have come across while solving challenges Statement !(1&&(1||0)) Answer is "False". u have to solve starting from innermost bracket so que is 1||0 so answer is 1 .The || operator returns true(1) if either of a||b is true. Also 1&&1 is 1 and !1 is 0(False).
16th Sep 2016, 1:16 PM
Kishor Prasad
Kishor Prasad - avatar
thank you guys, thats very helpfull, i think i got it now, and yea the logical bracket is something i saw many times in a challenge, and it cost me many times the win because i just dont got how to read that haha thank you very much
16th Sep 2016, 7:21 PM
Dennis Wiebler
Dennis Wiebler - avatar