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eye problem
i stare at a computer monitor almost 5 hours a day as a student. and my eyes are starting to hurt. How can i save my eyes from getting blurry.
9 Respuestas
+ 13
• Bluelight filter
• Minimal brightness
• Take breaks
+ 12
remember to blink
studies show that people blink upto 5 times less often while using computers. so blink 😊
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On occasion, focus on something static away from your computer screen like a wall or a plant. This will also help reduce eye strain.
+ 4
-Talk to your eye doctor
-get away from the screen
-get a screen time monitor app, to monitor your screen usage
-get an app that reminds you too look far away for 1 minute every 25 minutes
-drink water
-use Night Light
-use screen reader
-use a retina display
-turn off the lights
-turn down the screen brightness
-use Dark mode
-use Blue Light glasses
-dont use screens at night
-remember to blink
+ 2
You can either buy eyedrops or take a 5 minutes break after each half hour.
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Use a really good quality monitor and make sure the settings are set right.
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Another question are you near a airco ? This can make your eye feel bad.
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use eye droper and if you are getting problems while working in computer than use anti ray protection glass.
and most important reduce your screen light.
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Consult the nearest optician to you to test and recommend the best solution to your eyes problem