Cant write algorithm, prime numbers

1.Define int a(number)= 101 2.Define int b(divisor)= 2 3.if b is lower then a? yes-go to step 5 no - go to step 4 4. print : "b+ b +is prime number " and end the program 5. if a%b==0 yes- go to step 6 no-go to step 7 6. print: " a +a +is not prime number, u can divide by b" end the program 7.increase b by +1 and go to step 3

3rd Aug 2017, 11:48 PM
Dawid - avatar
4 Respuestas
your algorithm is pretty much ok , you only need to define b as numbers below integer value of a under radical better explanation: you must find value of a under radical and put it in b. than you must define a loop that will run b times than each time do a%b and check if it is 0 if the loop finished without any successful value , than the number is not prime good luck
4th Aug 2017, 3:52 AM
Matrix Program
Matrix Program - avatar
Hi could you explain me one thing? i ve done my code but i dont keep the order as my teacher wrote.. can i code his algorithm this way ? IT works but i start From number 5th. not. 1st but also go through his 1st later. Is someone able to write that(his) algorithm in order? or i dont have to keep order and with my code is allright? thanks :) int a = 8; int b=2; if(a%b==0){ sys.out.println("not prime"); } else{ for(int i=b;i<b;i++){ if(a<b &&a%b==0){ sys.out.println("not prime"); } else{ sys.out.println("prime number"); }}}
4th Aug 2017, 12:02 PM
Dawid - avatar
i think you have problems in your loop conditions (or i don't understand its purpose ?) why is i set to b and then you check if it is smaller ?
5th Aug 2017, 7:05 AM
Matrix Program
Matrix Program - avatar
Do how would you write this algorithm? I m not sire if my solution is correct, but IT works
5th Aug 2017, 7:26 AM
Dawid - avatar