+ 2
Anyone having an idea on array flipping, i cant understand the loop part of it
Array flipping
3 Respuestas
+ 2
It's reversing the array.
In order to reverse the array, you swap the left side withthe right side, but the middle stays.
Therefore, the loop only need to itterate from 0-length/2.
int temp = a[i];
This will be the first element, so 10.
a[i] = a[a.length-1-i];
This will make a[0] equal to the last element (length - 1), so 40.
a[a.length-1-i] = temp;
This will make the last element (40) equal to temp, which was the first element (10).
So, 10 and 40 have now swapped.
Since they did '-i', as the loop continues, it will continue swapping the next elements in the array.
So, 20 and 30 will also swap.
@Adi Pramata-Universitas Brawijaya
That is not a function in Java.
That is PHP.
import java.util.Arrays;
public class Arrays{
public static void main(String[]arts){
system. out.println(Arrays. toString (a));
for(int i=0;i<a.length/2; i++){ //I'm not getting this part
int temp=a[i]; //please help
system. out. println (Arrays.toString (a));
thanks so much