Are you using Linux? What is your operation system?
i have win10/Linux Fedora. I use Fedora for understanding better how it's work
6 Respuestas
+ 3
I use windows10 at work and use windows10 and Ubuntu at home
+ 2
Windows 10 for my desktop, and LXLE for my laptop.
+ 2
Windows XP at work(!!) Debian unstable at home. A mix of Emacs, git bash and some emacs lisp trickery gets me through on the XP machine.
+ 1
I quadruple boot Win10, Linux Mint, LXLE, and Kali on my laptop. At work we use Ubuntu (I use GNOME and/or Xubuntu) and I also have a test machine I'm always installing new stuff on...
+ 1
I used mint. I nuked winblows from my laptop.
+ 1
Mint on my desktop. Ubuntu mate for my (10jr old) macbook