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What's the 'best' language to start programming with?
Start programming
9 Respuestas
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it is not a smart move to advise someone who wants to learn "programming" to learn HTML .. Basically because html is NOT a programming language, it is just a markup language used to structure websites .. and has nothing to do with the logic you will learn with programming.
personally, I find starting with either python or ruby, a very good decision if you are a newbie.
best luck with your coding career.
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Try to understand what do you want from programming. The best way is to begin from html because of its simplicity. Good luck, friend!
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depends of what you want you want to do
if you want make games maybe C# or javascript.
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With this question I was thinking on wich programming language is closer to our native language...
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Then i would suggest you start with Javascript .. for the following reasons:
1- It is a smart language
2- it is old and solid enough to give you all the programming concepts you need.
3- It is now used on both client and server sides.. which means you will be learning a full fledged language.
4- There is always more to learn - frameworks - so you will never get bored
5- Most javascript programmers know only the surface of the language .. so learning it thoroughly and inside out will make you stand out in the croud.
6- It is an object oriented language and can also be a procedural language depending on the use.. so by learning it you are now familiar with both OOP and functional programming .. all in one language.
7- Javascript was, is, and will still be the language of the web .. but that's not all.. it is now being used to create desktop software, offline and online games and enterprise applications.. This simply means you now can do literally anything with javascript
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