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Guys can a code of html run with html or head or body tags?
thus on the tutorial the codes are written with out these elements
7 Respuestas
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@Sam's "Yes" is a perfect for "omit the optional, leave the details to interpretation".
Good enough for you? Good enough for browsers?
Here's some detail anyway. This extends the topic (including links for omittable / optional tags):
There are side-effects/bugs to going rogue: Internet Explorer may construct the wrong DOM, Google SEO can not work for you, even SoloLearn inserts the [Script] and [CSS] tabs before the </head> tag.
I've always been fond of thinking those sections help with timing (preload order, what gets separate threads), but when I searched it looks like that's part of a different system.
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Need the head to contain metadata, stylesheets
Body is the root of the DOM
so why we need them?
👌 got nothing 😅
but I think I'll sort it out when I go further
Without doctype and html/head tags doesn't pass the W3C validator
This is the minimum valid HTML5 document
<!DOCTYPE html>
<html lang="es">
<meta charset="utf-8">