+ 3
Why Java is so hard?
Well I think Java so hard and I cant understand the class concept.
9 Respuestas
+ 3
easy things aren't great. great things aren't easy. generally speaking this.
today I know 22+ programming languages. but C was the first one.
now let me share my C language experience with you. when lectures were going on in class, teachers were speaking like anything and I wasn't getting anything of it.
then I read one nice book of C 17 times in a row.
first or 2nd time, I was like what is it all?
then on 5th 6th attempt, felt like may be author wants to say something like this... or not...
on 10th 11th, I got a little clear clue over what's it all about but with doubt.
finally learnt well on 17th reading.
today I love C language. I made hardware interfacing projects in it, very handy with computer graphics, I even did mouse programming and even had my own customized cursor at output.
now I enjoy C.
you will someday enjoy Java too,
but you to hit your head with it for awhile...
I am sure someday you will love Java,
trust me...
+ 7
Everything is hard until you start 🌟🌟
+ 6
So a class is like making your very own "variable"
Except you can also make cool Functions and other variables in it.
Here is a simple example
+ 6
java is very easy to learn. who says that java difficult...
+ 4
The easiest way to start with Java is to ignore the following:
"public static void"
"new Scanner(System.in)"
Learn the things when they are individually TAUGHT in the course. Do not jump right into what static or classes are if you have no idea about anything with Object Oriented Programming. Start small, work your way up, or else you will give up.
It looks like you've tried javascript.
So, maybe focus on learning what Data-types are.
Start with: int, double, and String.
All you should know when starting Java, is that the code in the main method is what will run first.
+ 1
its not hard u only need to pratise Every day
+ 1
public class java {
public static void main(String[] args) {
Don't you think it weird only to print "hello"?
In the beginning you see it hard but be patient and keep going it will gonna be easy
i would like to know now how you are doing with java