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What do you think about learning to code and studying a career which doesn't have nothing to do with technology?
I'm a med student who loves coding and is taking a short course to become a junior developer .net, sometimes is hard to concentrate on coding after studying medicine and also if I do the opposite. Does someone happens to have the same problem? What do you think about working as a developer while studying something really different? (Of course I know I will be always learning new things in development)
2 Respuestas
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I study music, specifically audio engineer and music production. It really is hard to find the time to spend developing and working on your studies altogether, but it has been a joy really! Once you find a link between development and your academic area the possibilities are endless!
I think this is not much of a problem, but an advantage. Imagine how many ways you can revolutionize in your career having the knowledge you have right now!
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Claro, programar no solo alimenta el deseo de aprender sino que desarrolla nuevas actitudes y cosas a lo que sea que hagas, la abstracción que ganas cuando programas te ayuda a ver mas allá y pensar en como abordar mas fácil los problemas de tu carrera sea cual sea, en este caso medicina, si unes medicina con programación eso seria fantástico, no solo para ti, sino para la sociedad, la medicina cada vez depende mas de tecnologías y las tecnologías se abordan muchas veces con programación, solo una cosa, sigue el camino del software libre :3