Why no non-coding related section?
People get triggered by every post that's not programming related so I'm just wondering why there isn't a section for anything that isn't a legit question. It would make a clear divide and bring an actual community of some kind instead of just programming questions. That's the end of the question I'm just going to have a lil rant now. In reality every non solo learn dependent programming related question has been answered before with a quick google search. That being said it's fine if someone wants to ask here anyway as this app rewards asking questions(for some reason) but answering the questing with 'someone has answered it before use the search function before you ask a question' is just a dumb argument as for 99% of questions asked you can simply tell them to 'google it' as it has been answered before. If you want to show them a previous post that has a valid answer then fair enough there's no need to repeat but there is a limit to how many legit questions with no previous answers to it. Another thing is that people get annoyed by non-programming related posts yet when an interesting one comes it gets loads of upvotes despite still being non-programming related like the rule only matters when its convenient. Feel free to disagree or prove me wrong, these are just my opinions but the real question is at the top and I don't want this to be primarily around the rant as I don't care as much as it may seem.