+ 1
Anyone can suggest a good way to put all together on web development?
After completing the HTML (both on sololearn and W3School)and almost completing the CSS course on Sololearn as well i still find it pretty difficult to put all i have learnt together.Let's say i would like to create a simple website first by creating first a navigation menu using the <nav>tags and listing the elements using a <ul> list and use the css to display the elements in inline mode and later add a login form as well etc.Still i find difficult to size and display elements as i want to,so...any tips?
8 Respuestas
+ 1
Well, in order to positionate the elements where you want, it's a good idea to use "position" property. To resize the elements:1.If box or image use "width" or "height"...
But in order to make the website more interactive (with onclick buttons, slide up menu etc.) you should learn some JavaScript and if you want to make it simpler, some jQuery too (JavaScript library).
You can ask for everything you don't understand or you need help with...
+ 4
The only effective trick is to practice and experiement... your first attempts will not be perfect, but you will progress with time: it's not enough at all to complete a course to be good skilled at anything ;P
+ 2
Share your attempts, and ask for advices and/or help ;) (your logic seems quite good to start ;))
+ 1
Nope,i didn't try to use wordpress before and maybe its good to start with Now,...forgive me if I'm wrong about wordpress,i got the idea that it provides some templates that you can modify and so work goes on pretty fast but I'm not in a hurry.I just want someone to tell me the way i should organise my code..
+ 1
I just made it public under the name Blog(unfinished) using my phone it doesn't give me the option to share the link here....
+ 1
Let me help, there is the code
have you try WordPress it's magic how fast you can work ;)
I see,i have to work a little more on css and JS probably that's the problem....