Web development
I have a passion to get started with php framework I.e laravel.. kindly give me a guidance and source where I need to get laravel materials?
2 Respuestas
web basically can even wrote in a notepad ,
yep , you heard it right , just rename .txt into .html ,
or .aspx or .xml or so on..
but , if you need user interfacing / SDK ,
I suggest Dreamweaver and VisualStudio..
Dreamweaver might a lil bit behind , but it's
good tool to use if you focused on web..
it's Adobe corp made Dreamweaver..
combined with Adobe Flash then it's awesome..
meanwhile , for "Virtual" hosting , try XAMPP ,
along with their Apache plugin kit..
I basically have a knowledge of HTML, html5,php and JavaScript.. I wish to learn the laravel framework