+ 3

Please !!! How can i minimize the text to 200 words with an option to show more?

for instance you've a post in a forum that's about 700 words and someone quote it and then replied. I want to make the quoted text shown to 200 words with an option to show more. Thank you.

8th Oct 2017, 5:30 AM
4 Respuestas
+ 2
What language are you using? I work mainly with PHP and i would use something like this; $shortened_content = substr($row[entry_content], 0, 480);
10th Oct 2017, 12:54 PM
+ 2
Thank u so much. I'm basing on HTML but you can teach me how to do it in php too. I've designed a kinda community website using HTML so I wanted to have the code to reduce the quoted messages in forums.
10th Oct 2017, 1:10 PM
+ 2
Im struggling to load your site! So where is this message/quote coming from. Is it pulled from a database somewhere or is it static text you place on the HTML page? You can use jquery to handle something like this. See the example below i just put together for you. https://code.sololearn.com/WTQ9bx4w267A/#html
10th Oct 2017, 1:38 PM
+ 1
that's wapka webpage... originally http://bongohood.rf.gd Quoted message:- I meant for instance, someone post a message having 2000 characterss. then when someone replies to his message the original post or message appears to be quoted. so what I need is to reduce that quoted message from 2000 words to at least 200. thank you.
19th Oct 2017, 11:24 AM