+ 2
How can i make a blogger design ?
I just know HTML what is the next should i do
6 Respuestas
+ 7
@Mauve wrote: << Responsive web design uses only HTML and CSS. >>
More accuratly: responsive web design COULD use only HTML and CSS, but often JS in also used to complete this purpose (eventually through the help of frameworks as JQuery or Bootstrap -- this last have root CSS framework AND COULD be completed with advanced stuff done with a dedicated JS library)...
Anyway, question was about how making a BLOGGER design...
Blogger is not a language itself. It's a blog host and web software to bind technical stuff (Html, Css, Js and so on web languages). Obviously, by making web pages with it is limited, and it maybe provide access to the source code (with more or less limitations, but to allow avoiding some of the default limitation of such software). However, if your goal is to free you from those Blogger or others CMS (Content Managment Software), you will be advised to directly leave it and learn to code HTML and CSS at least (which you need in all case) and do your page from scratch (even helped by some framework if you need/want, but without CMS).
+ 5
Responsive web design uses only HTML and CSS.
Jadi kamu perlu belajar HTML & CSS dahulu. Kemudian berlatilah menggunakan HTML+CSS.
Setelah itu kamu bisa mempelajari JavaScript, jQuery (JavaScript Library), dan Boostrap (HTML, CSS, and JavaScript framework for developing responsive, mobile-first web sites)
+ 5
You're welcome @Irvan Jaya 😀
+ 4
Yes i agree with you, Visph
another references to @Irvan Jaya
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